Safety First, 


Building a culture of safety through active employee participation, training, and commitment.



An integral part of our business is safety. Quality Plus Services is committed to a policy of safety first and foremost. QPS is committed to providing all employees with a safe and healthy workplace. We have designed our safety program around a belief that an informed and prepared employee is a safe and productive employee. Therefore, we continually reinforce safe practices through active employee participation in weekly safety meetings, safety incentive programs, and committees. Our goal is to ensure the continued well-being of our employees and yours by eliminating accidents.

QPS is extremely proud of its EMR of .42

Safety Training

Message from Safety Director - Daniel Byrum

“Safety is a core company value and we believe in providing an injury free workplace. Our people often work in demanding roles and extreme conditions. They may have many different hazards to manage, whether at client locations, construction work in remote locations or working in industrial settings. Whatever they do, they always ensure that they can work safely before they start work.

Safety leadership matters immensely, focus is critical and simplicity in safety has real power in clear expectations and behavior at every level as we strive for Zero Incidents.”